Senior Pageant Contestant Injured On-Stage
A 77-year-old pageant contestant has filed a personal injury lawsuit against the operators of the Miss Latina Cosmopolitan pageant and the Los Angeles Theatre. The woman claims that she participated in the pageant, including the formal dress portion of the competition. As she walked across the stage in a floor-length dress, she claims that she tripped and fell on an uneven floorboard. She was unaware that there were several uneven wooden boards on the stage, some of which were held down only with tape.
The woman suffered a serious fracture to her wrist as well as bruises and contusions on various parts of her body. She is seeking both compensatory damages for her medical bills and punitive damages presumably for the negligence of the venue.
Elders as Victims of Personal Injury
With age, many people find themselves more susceptible to personal injury than they used to be. This can be due to decreased coordination and motor abilities, worsening eyesight and hearing abilities and other medical issues that may arise with age. Despite this, property owners and event operators still have a duty to provide a safe environment for everyone.
As elders are particularly vulnerable to injury, there are many common scenarios where personal injury cases may arise. For example, elders are likely to be injured by:
- Vehicle Accidents
- Slip and Fall Accidents
- Medical Malpractice
- Malfunctioning Products
- Dangerous Prescription Drugs
Any of these injuries can be life altering for the victim, elder or not. Luckily there is recourse available for those who find themselves with a personal injury case in their lap.
Personal Injury Recourse
Damages for a personal injury lawsuit are dependent on the victim’s unique injuries and the specific facts of the case. Some examples of damages are compensatory and punitive damages.
Compensatory damages cover things such as medical bills and future medical care, lost wages, pain and suffering and any other financial burden that the victim may incur as a result of the injury. Additionally, victims may seek punitive damages that are generally awarded to punish the responsible party for their negligent or reckless behavior that caused the accident.
If you or a loved one lives in Los Angeles, California and has suffered an injury because of another, please contact the Bedford Law Group, APLC at (310) 507-7900. Our attorneys are available to evaluate your case and work to get the damages that you legally deserve.